Transform your book or diary with a custom cover that’s as unique as your thoughts!

This sewing project not only protects your books but also adds a splash of personal style to your daily writing.

Fun fact: Book covers have been used since the 13th century to protect precious manuscripts, and they were often elaborately decorated to showcase their owner’s wealth and status!

Skill Level: 2 (beginner)

What you need

Measure the book and add a little extra, so the cover isn’t too snug.

  • Depth – add 1.5cm plus seam allowance
  • Length – Measure all the way around while closed, add 2cm plus seam allowance

Cut pattern/fabric

  • Cover x2
    • Inside and outside could be different colours like we have done for this cover
  • Flaps x2: depth x 18cm

Cover example

  • Depth: 21.5cm + 1.5cm + 2cm = 25cm
  • Width: 31.5cm + 2cm + 2cm = 35.5cm

Flap Example

  • 25cm x 18cm
How to Make a Book Cover
How to Make a Book Cover
How to Make a Book Cover


  1. Lay down 1st cover (lining) right side up
  2. Fold flaps in half widthwise and lay at each end of the cover with raw edges together
  3. Place 2nd cover (outside) on top right side down
  4. Leaving a 5-8cm gap (for turning out) sew all the way around using a 1cm seam allowance, back tacking at the beginning and end of the seam.
    • Quick tip: Place 2 pins close together to indicate where to leave the opening for turning the fabric book cover right side out.
  5. Clip the corner to reduce bulk.
  6. Turn right side out through the opening.
  7. While pressing the edges flat ensure to roll the seam so the seam sits on the edge
  8. Hand stitch the opening closed.
How to Make a Book Cover
How to Make a Book Cover

Creative Community Space – Sewing School Program

At Creative Community Space & A Fitting Connection, we’re committed to creating experiences that not only teach skills but also instil a sense of purpose. Our programs and classes are thoughtfully designed to cultivate patience, accuracy, mindfulness, fine motor skills, creativity, and a keen awareness of waste.

It’s easy to dive into a project that might be too advanced for your current skill level. That’s why we’ve developed a program that sets our students up for success. Each of our self-guided sewing instructions is labelled with a skill level (starting at 1), so you’ll know whether a project will be a breeze or if it’s one that would benefit from the supportive environment of our sewing classes at Creative Community Space. Explore our classes here.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll create with us!

With purpose,
The Creative Community Space & A Fitting Connection Team

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