Create your own custom scrunchie and add a stylish, personal twist to this timeless accessory!
Scrunchies first gained popularity in the ’80s as a gentler alternative for pulling up big, voluminous hair without causing damage (never mind the tons of hairspray that was then applied). Their appeal wasn’t just functional—scrunchies came in a wide variety of colours and patterns, perfectly complementing the bold and vibrant fashion trends of the 1980s. Now, they’re back in style, and making your own scrunchie is not only fun and a great first sewing project but it’s also a fun and easy way to add a personalised touch to your outfit.
Skill Level: 1 (beginner)
What you need
- Fabric: 8-12cm wide x 56cm long
- Elastic: 6-10mm wide x 20cm long

- Right side up, fold fabric lengthwise and pin edges together (wrong side now visible)
- Sew 10mm seam allowance along the long edge
- To turn the strip right side out. Attach a safety pin at one end (single layer of fabric). Thread the safety pin through the inside of the tube, and pull it out through the opposite end.
- Attach the safety pin to one end of the elastic. Guide the safety pin into the tube, catch the other end of the elastic and stitch it to the end of the tube.
- Thread the elastic all the way through the tube. Remove the safety pin and stitch it on top of the other end.

Finish off
- On the free end fold in the seam allowance, and tuck the other end inside the opening. Pin to hold the fabric in place, and sew straight across to join the two sides.

Creative Community Space – Sewing School Program
At Creative Community Space & A Fitting Connection, we’re committed to creating experiences that not only teach skills but also instil a sense of purpose. Our programs and classes are thoughtfully designed to cultivate patience, accuracy, mindfulness, fine motor skills, creativity, and a keen awareness of waste.
It’s easy to dive into a project that might be too advanced for your current skill level. That’s why we’ve developed a program that sets our students up for success. Each of our self-guided sewing instructions is labelled with a skill level (starting at 1), so you’ll know whether a project will be a breeze or if it’s one that would benefit from the supportive environment of our sewing classes at Creative Community Space. Explore our classes here.
We can’t wait to see what you’ll create with us!
With purpose,
The Creative Community Space & A Fitting Connection Team